Wednesday 10 September 2008

Off-air recordings 13th-19th September

Please email Rich Deakin < > if you would like any of the following programmes / series recording.*

Earth The Climate Wars - 3-part series

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - "David Nicholls (Starter For Ten, Much Ado About Nothing) has penned a new four-part adaptation of Thomas Hardy's tragic and well-loved novel, Tess Of The D'Urbervilles, for transmission in autumn 2008 on BBC One. Produced in-house by BBC Drama Productions, David Snodin (Great Expectations, Crime And Punishment) will produce the serialisation with Kate Harwood as Executive Producer. "

Timeshift: How to be a Good President - "Jonathan Freeland looks the qualities that make a great American President; what can be learnt from Theodore Roosevelt and JFK, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter about what it takes to make your mark in the White House? Freedland is helped by some well-known and distinguished contributors including James Naughtie, Shirley Williams, Harold Evans, Douglas Hurd, Simon Hoggart and Bonnie Greer, who give frank assessments of some of America's greatest presidents."

Man In The Mansion: California Governors - "Being governor of the most populous US state is never going to be an easy job, but for a large part of the last 50 years, Californians have made some distinctively LA-style choices about the person best qualified to undertake it. "

President Hollywood - "Part of US Presidents season. A look at how this year's race for the White House has been run before on TV series The West Wing, when a non-white Democrat stood against an experienced Republican."

Dinner with Portillo: American Election Special - "In New York, Michael Portillo and seven guests explore the enduring conflict between America's liberal Hollywood dream factory and its conservative heartland values.
In the absence of a successful Democrat for the last decade, Hollywood invented virtual liberal Presidents, as in The West Wing and Air Force One. Over dinner, the guests discuss the impact on the voting public and politicians, why Hollywood is such a haven for liberal values and how the relationship between Hollywood glamour and gritty politics is playing out in the current presidential race."

******additions to list. Added on 15th September*******
Amazon with Bruce Parry - "Amazon will follow explorer Bruce Parry's epic journey down the world's greatest river, travelling over 6,000 kms by foot, light aircraft and boat to meet and live with tribes, coca growers, loggers and illegal miners."
Horizon: The President's Guide to Science - "Horizon asks some of the biggest names in science to have a quiet word with the new President, be it Obama or McCain. The United States President is quite simply the most powerful man on earth, but past Presidents have often known little about science. That is a problem when the decisions they make will affect every one of us, from nuclear proliferation to climate change. To help the new President get to grips with this intimidating responsibility, some of the world's leading scientists, from Dawkins to Watson, share some crucial words of advice."
Panorama: Can Money Grow On Trees? - "With soaring prices accelerating the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, Panorama asks whether the money markets can achieve what campaigners and law enforcement have so far failed to do and make trees more valuable alive than dead. That would mean putting a value on their services to mankind; storing carbon and generating rainfall. Ben Anderson reports from Brazil and Guyana."

If there are any other programmes that you would like recording please let me know and will see if I can accomodate your request.

* This applies to staff members at the University of Gloucestershire only. Any recordings made are to be used only for educational and non-commercial purposes under the terms of the ERA Licence.

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