Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Microsoft Photostory 3 for Windows

We now have Microsoft Photostory 3 for Windows software installed on the PC in the bookable study room (FCQU003) as well as the FCH LC Edit Suite PC (FCQU015).

The software can also be downloaded onto your own PC / laptop using the Microsoft Photostory 3 for Windows link .

Please contact Rich Deakin if you need any help or advice about creating a photostory using this software.

The bookable study room can be booked via the OPAC and the issue desk (02142 714600) and enquiry desk (01242 714666), email lcinfofch@glos.ac.uk, whilst the edit suite must be booked via issue and enquiry desks, or directly through Rich Deakin on 01242 714665, email rdeakin@glos.ac.uk

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