Please email Rich Deakin < > if you would like any of the following programmes / series recording.*
Christina: A Medieval Life - "Historian Michael Wood delves through medieval court records to follow the fortunes of a village in Hertfordshire and, more particularly, the family of peasant Christina Cok."
Arena: The Hunt for Moby Dick - "
Arena – the BBC's flagship arts documentary strand – confronts our fascination with one of the most mysterious creatures of the ocean, the whale, in a new feature-length adventure documentary... Filmed in England, America and the Azores over four years, the documentary follows acclaimed author Philip Hoare as he writes his new book and tackles man's complex relationship with the whale, bringing it into startling new focus through one book:
Moby Dick.
also 3 accompanying
Arena programmes;
Arena: Philip Hoare's Guide to Whales - "Acclaimed author and whale-watcher Philip Hoare takes us into the world of baleen whales, the largest animals ever to have lived.
With plates of bristly baleen instead of teeth with which they filter their food, blue whales, fin whales and humpback whales swim the Atlantic. Hoare shows us how to identify whales from their tails or flukes, and explores the strange shared history between humans and whales."
BBC4 1968 Night programmes below
Storyville: 1968 - "Documentary exploring what really happened throughout the world in the seminal year of 1968, a time of music and of revolution, asking why so many hopes were disappointed and what is the period's true legacy.
Drawing on archive from the US, Vietnam, Britain, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Italy and Mexico, the film dynamically reconstructs the hopes, the fears and the ultimate sense of despair that pervaded the events of 1968."
Storyville: RFK - "Probing biography that examines the remarkable and tragic life of Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 as he campaigned for the presidency."
Storyville: Citizen King 1963-68 - "The story begins on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in August 1963 when a 34 year old preacher galvanized millions with his dream for an America free of racism. It comes to a bloody end almost five years later on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. In the years since those events unfolded, the man at their centre, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, has become a mythic figure, a minister whose oratory is etched into the minds of millions, a civil rights activist whose works and image are more hotly contested, negotiated and sold than almost anyone else's in American history. Citizen King tells the story of those 5 years that changed history."
Trial of the Knights Templar - Five 23rd September 8.00-9.00PM. No other info as of yet.
Kenneth Tynan: In Praise of Hardcore - "Rob Brydon plays the critic and impresario Kenneth Tynan in this funny and touching drama set in 1960s London. As well as being one of the most influential theatre critics of the time, Tynan worked with Laurence Olivier at the newly founded National Theatre and waged a battle against censorship that famously led to him being the first person to say f*** on television. We spoke to the writer and director Chris Durlacher about the drama."
The NHS: A Difficult Beginning -"Britain's National Health Service celebrates its sixtieth birthday on 5 July this year. Serving over one and a half million patients and their families every day, the NHS is the biggest service of its kind in the world. It is universally regarded as a national treasure - the most remarkable achievement of post war Britain..."
Greg Dyke on Nye Bevan - "Greg Dyke takes a bus tour through the Welsh Valleys and the life of Labour politician Aneurin Bevan, pronouncing him 'one of the outstanding men of the 20th Century'.
In 1945, Bevan simultaneously launched the National Health Service and set about rebuilding a bomb-damaged Britain, in one of the most remarkable double acts a politician has ever been asked to achieve.
Dyke visits the coalmines where Bevan began to hew coal at the age of 13 and explores the Tredegar Medical Aid Society, which was the blueprint for the NHS.
He also reveals the close friendship between Bevan and the black American civil rights campaigner and world-renowned opera singer Paul Robeson.
Series / programmes already in progress (Originally added on 15th September)
Amazon with Bruce Parry - "Amazon will follow explorer Bruce Parry's epic journey down the world's greatest river, travelling over 6,000 kms by foot, light aircraft and boat to meet and live with tribes, coca growers, loggers and illegal miners."
Horizon: The President's Guide to Science - "Horizon asks some of the biggest names in science to have a quiet word with the new President, be it Obama or McCain. The United States President is quite simply the most powerful man on earth, but past Presidents have often known little about science. That is a problem when the decisions they make will affect every one of us, from nuclear proliferation to climate change. To help the new President get to grips with this intimidating responsibility, some of the world's leading scientists, from Dawkins to Watson, share some crucial words of advice."
Panorama: Can Money Grow On Trees? - "With soaring prices accelerating the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, Panorama asks whether the money markets can achieve what campaigners and law enforcement have so far failed to do and make trees more valuable alive than dead. That would mean putting a value on their services to mankind; storing carbon and generating rainfall. Ben Anderson reports from Brazil and Guyana."
If there are any other programmes that you would like recording please let me know and will see if I can accomodate your request.
* This applies to staff members at the University of Gloucestershire only. Any recordings made are to be used only for educational and non-commercial purposes under the terms of the ERA Licence.